Sunday, September 14, 2008

Killing Joke - Laugh? I Nearly Bought One.

From Wikipedia:

"Laugh? I Nearly Bought One! is a compilation album by Killing Joke, released in 1992. The album contains tracks from every album Killing Joke had released at that time, except Fire Dances and Outside The Gate. It also featured a previously unreleased mix of Wintergardens and several non-album tracks. The cover image of the CD was previously used by the band for a concert poster in the early 1980s. Because of its theme, a priest blessing nazi soldiers, this caused quite an upstir and the band got banned from playing a concert in Glasgow, Scotland. Contrary to popular belief, the priest in the picture is not Pope Pius XII, but German Nazi abbot Albanus Schachleiter."

Killing Joke - Requiem (youtube video)

Killing Joke - Eighties (youtube video)


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